is an independent news website delivering news from around the world for Tamils. Apart from delivering news for Tamils across the globe, news is for everyone to read, understand and act accordingly based on the nature. Understanding the necessity of information and data access to every individual for their need to empower themselves on various arena, we are working our best to explore the web & digital media world to bring the best on our site. With right mix of news, analysis, articles & contents we strive to bring out the best for the viewers.
Being a web-based digital news channel, we will be making our presence in all digital platforms. Having about hundred million Tamil population in the world, our site ensures to deliver news that is of an importance with specifics to Tamils. However, is operating as a news channel for everyone as the source of our news are mostly from news agencies, reputed television channels & credible web sources.
We are taking our social media presence stronger to reach out people with specific need for news & other contents, tailored to their understanding & benefit. There are digital mediums to deliver Tamil news in Tamil language, in huge numbers. Growing digital news medium in Tamil language is a boon to the public having multiple-dimensional reach to the content, however, it is necessary to reach out beyond the territorial limits to exhibit the happenings within a region. With the mix of strategy and innovation, we are broadening the horizon to reach out the world with unnoticed happenings in a limited region by melting down the language barrier.
Focused towards achieving the leading line in web medium to present current affairs online including a regional focus.